Our mission

The mission of the Swedish Climate Policy Council is to evaluate the Goverments overall policies including the bases and methods on which they are built. We shall also foster more debate in society on climate policy.

In June 2017, the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) adopted a climate policy framework for Sweden. The framework includes climate goals, a Climate Act and the Swedish Climate Policy Council.

According to the Climate Act the Governments climate policy must be based on climate goals and the act contains provisions on the Government how this work should be performed. The Climate Act entered into force on 1 January 2018.

The climate goals were set in June 2017 as the Riksdag adopted the Governments bill A Swedish Climate Policy Framework  (Prop. 2016/17:146).

The Climate Policy Council is an independent, interdisciplinary expert body tasked with evaluating how well the Government’s overall policy is aligned with the climate goals established by the Parliament and the Government. Within the framework of the overarching mandate, the council shall, according to the Government’s remit,186 do the following:

  • Evaluate whether the focus of different relevant policy areas contributes to or counteracts the potential to achieve the climate goals.
  • Highlight the effects of agreed, proposed instruments from a broad societal perspective.
  • Identify policy areas that require further action.
  • Analyse how to achieve targets, both short- and long-term, in a cost-effective way.
  • Evaluate the bases and models on which the Government builds its policy.
  • Foster more debate in society on climate policy.


Information on the members of the Council

